Kateryna Tsybulka
Kateryna Tsybulka

Sharing Leaderboard

The Sharing Leaderboard widget is a useful tool for monitoring the most active SocialWeaver users who are sharing content with their employees or advocates. This widget presents a table of the top users based on the number of shares they've created and the engagement that those shares have generated over a specific time period. In this guide, we'll go over how to interpret and use the Sharing Leaderboard widget in SocialWeaver.

To begin:

  1. Log in to your SocialWeaver account.
  2. Access the Analytics page by selecting Analytics from the left-hand menu.

3. Locate the Sharing Leaderboard widget on your dashboard. If the widget is not visible on the dashboard, you can add it by clicking on the Add Widget button in the top right corner of the screen. For more details read the (how to customize your analytics dashboard - link) help center article.

Interpreting Sharing Data

The Sharing Leaderboard widget displays sharing data sorted by the number of shares by default. Use the time range selector at the top of the page to choose the time period for which you want to view sharing data. The Sharing Leaderboard widget updates the displayed data accordingly.

You may use the group filter menu situated beneath the widget title to filter the data by employee groups. This is beneficial if you want to view sharing data for a specific team or department within your organization. You can discover more details about establishing and managing employee groups by referring to this resource.

Exporting Widget Data

You can export data from the Sharing Leaderboard widget by clicking on the Download CSV button in the widget menu. This allows you to download a CSV file of the sharing data for the selected time period for further analysis.

By following these simple steps, you can effectively use the Sharing Leaderboard widget in SocialWeaver, allowing you to track and analyze the most active users who are sharing content with their employees or advocates. To gain more useful tips on handling analytics widgets in SocialWeaver, you can check out How to customize your Analytics dashboard.

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