Yousif Abood
Yousif Abood

How to edit or delete content tags

SocialWeaver’s content tags are super useful and they’re easy to set up and create, but from time to time you’ll find that you want to edit or delete them to keep your library as clean and as streamlined as possible.

Here’s what you’ll need to do to edit or delete your content tags:

1. Sign in to your SocialWeaver account.

2. Click on your profile image to open the user menu and then click Settings.

3. Click on the Tags option under the Workspace menu.

4. Scroll through the list of tags until you find the one that you want to edit or delete.

  • To delete a tag, click the trash can icon to the side of the tag’s name. When prompted, hit the Delete button.
  • To edit a tag, select the rightmost icon that looks like a pencil and paper. You’ll be able to change the tag name or to select a different color before hitting the Update Tag button to save it.

Whether you’re editing or deleting, you’ll see a confirmation message to confirm that your changes have been saved. You should also note that the evergreen tag is a system reserved tag that can’t be modified or deleted. You can use it when you want your content to be recycled automatically by the scheduler.

And that’s it!

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