
Hi. We're SocialWeaver. We're an advocacy platform that helps businesses scale their marketing and reach by directly engaging employees, partners, and influencers.

We started building SocialWeaver in 2017 and launched our first version via Product Hunt in 2019.

SocialWeaver Content Curation - Discover and manage the top-performing content for any topic | Product HuntSocialWeaver Content Curation - Discover and manage the top-performing content for any topic | Product Hunt

Our platform is the only solution on the market that allows advocates to share, comment, and like social content directly from Slack, Teams, and email with a single click. No external systems to log onto and no software to install.

We're headquartered in Washington, DC.

Our Founders

Our founding team has decades of collective experience in B2B software.

Yousif Abood

Yousif Abood

CEO, Founder
Bill de la Vega

Bill de la Vega

Engineering, Founder
Evgeniy Masyakin

Evgeniy Masyakin

Engineering, Founder

Our Advisors

Najaf Husain

Najaf Husain

CEO at Elastio
Bill de la Vega

Todd Fredrick

CEO at LeaseAccelerator
Evgeniy Masyakin

Srinidhi Varadarajan

SVP Engineering at Fungible
Evgeniy Masyakin

Mike Lees

CMO at LeaseAccelerator